ROFL Wednesdays


G’day folks!  Here are your always hilarious mid-week status updates…

Funny Status Updates for Facebook:

  • If stupidity was painful, you’d be in agony.
  • Do you want to speak to the manager or someone who knows what’s going on?
  • There are days when it takes all you’ve got just to keep up with the losers.
  • If you are never scared, embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take chances.
  • An Apple a day keeps Windows away.
  • You know those neighbors who spy on you and then blab to everyone else? My neighbors have one of those.
  • Could you drive any better if I shoved that cell phone up your ass?
  • I always give waiters a tip, but they never seem to appreciate my advice.
  • For me “class struggle” means me trying to act like I have some.
  • Oldie but a goodie:
    My drinking team has a bowling problem.

On a serious note: I think this is the scariest photograph I’ve ever seen: BP’s river of death.

Funny Picture to Post:

Cute baby reminds me of George Costanza of Seinfeld, Ha!

Funny Video to Post:


One of my all time favorites, if you haven’t seen that be glad you did 🙂  Thank you very much for stopping in, we hope you laughed your way through Wednesday!  If you need more funny status updates, pics, and videos to post:  “Like” our FB Fan Page & Download our 4.5-star Rated iPhone App.  Make sure to stop by tomorrow for more hilarious content.