Warning: The little British accents of these kids will melt your heart. It’s ok, George is just a little sensitive :). Back in my day, I wouldn’t of had video evidence and I would have got in trouble for picking on my brother.
R2-D2 Plays With Boy in Wheel Chair, Awesomeness Ensues.
Sometimes there are experiences that transcend humanity. This is one of them. R2-D2 the unlikely robotic hero, plays with a wheelchair bound boy in an absolutely beautiful display of life. If you need a pick-me-up today, here it is. This will pull on your heart strings.
Unbelievable: Cat says the word “NO”
How is that possible? So weird and so funny! Just when you think you’ve seen it all. This kitty comes along and starts talking. Fluke? Proof of evolution? Cats are going to take over the world? We’re not sure what this means. However, it’s pretty awesome and scary at the same time. Let us know […]
Stunning Zoo Attack – Gorilla Charges The Glass Wall
That is utterly terrifying. Did you see the glass crack? I would have freaked!
Penguin Dance Off..
It’s becoming more and more common that animals have better dance skills than me. It used to be the occasional dancing cat or dancing dog. Now, we’ve got a whole flock of penguins who are better at dancing than me. They look so cute when they do it too!
Dog Uses Inside Voice
Dogs are so amazing. They continually surprise me with what they’re capable of. This special canine has a skill that many humans could utilize… an inside voice! He’s adorable and smart 🙂 he’ll melt your heart with his barking skills.