This dog is better at snowboarding than I am. How is that even possible? Just look at the mug on that pug and you’ll understand the sheer joy he gets shredding the gnar. I wish this guy was my owner.
78 Year Old Grandma Rides RollerCoaster for 1st Time Ever.
This is The. Best. Thing. Ever. Me personally, I’d be too scared of heart attacks. Her reaction is so beautiful, I can’t help but laugh with her. Want to know the best part? She even asked if she could go again .. she went around 3 times.
Laughter is Contagious
I guarantee you there is a point at this video at which you will laugh. It might not be the first 10 seconds. But, if you don’t laugh once watching this video you need to immediately report yourself to homeland security and declare your alien self. The old mans laugh alone is enough to put […]
Paralyzed for 11 days, this girl surprises her nurse.
This is so beautiful, I couldn’t help but tear up a little bit. The nurse delivers one of the most beautiful hug that only someone who genuinely cares could deliver. I love to see videos like this where the best of humanity comes out.
Russian Army Sings “Barbie Girl”
Maybe they’re getting ready to invade Ken’s mansion 🙂 There is something so preposterous about this video that it just begs you to rewatch it and somehow forces you to share it.
Adopted stray dog, refuses to eat alone ever again.
Pet adoption is one of the most rewarding things in this world. Both for the pet and yourself. This video drives that point home. This beautiful adopted pooch refuses to eat alone and carries her bowl over in the most adorable fashion. He probably just feels safer with his buddy next to him. So cute!