Major “Mobile” Press Event from Facebook


Today Facebook held a major press event at their headquarters in Northern California.  They announced some really awesome new features that they are integrating, specifically into their mobile platforms.  Here is a basic overview of these features, as we understand…

  • Updated Mobile Apps for iPhone/Android.
  • Ability to add a Picture to Places when you check-in.
  • Facebook Deals.   Targeted offers from companies that will give you a deal when you check-in using the Facebook mobile app.  IE) Gap is going to give out 10,000 free pairs of jeans for the first people to check-in.  Others will get 40% off.
  • Single sign-in on your phone.  Meaning once you log into the Facebook app, you don’t have to sign-in again to other apps that use Facebook.  Like Funny Status Updates for Facebook for instance.  You’d just click a single button confirming you’d like to give that app permission to access your account.

Overall they are improving the mobile look & feel to Facebook in a big way.  This is a great thing for users, because we will be getting an overall better experience.  Can’t wait for these upgrades which will be rolling out immediately.  For full information on today’s event check out Engadget.